Whit Stillman discusses DAMSELS IN DISTRESS

April 20, 2012

Whit Stillman sat down with us earlier this week to discuss his witty new film DAMSELS IN DISTRESS, the filmmaker’s first in nearly 15 years. Check out the video below for insight into his writing process, casting the outstanding young actors in the film, and creating his very own international dance craze (via the main character Violet, that is).

p.s. that soundtrack he mentions? You can win it!

Premiering at the Toronto and Venice Film Festivals, director Whit Stillmanâ??s sharpâ??edged comedy is his first film in 13 years. Like his earlier hits METROPOLITAN, BARCELONA, and THE LAST DAYS OF DISCO, the film focuses on privileged young adults bonded by their sense of entitlement. Greta Gerwig is hilarious as a painfully earnest student who helps run the campus Suicide Prevention Center, helping severely depressed students with a program of good hygiene and musical dance numbers at a bleak East Coast university.

DAMSELS IN DISTRESS is Now Playing at the Angelikas Dallas and Plano, and opens 5/4 at the Angelika in Hawaii.