Ezra Miller’s “masterclass” working with Tilda Swinton, in WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN

January 18, 2012

After an initial Academy-qualifying run back in December, WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN returned to the Angelika New York this weekend to a great audience reception and stellar box office. We were lucky enough to have Ezra Miller, who plays Kevin in the film, stop by to chat about his preparation for this intense role and the lessons he’s learned from working with seasoned actors Andy Garcia (in CITY ISLAND), Liev Schreiber ( in EVERY DAY), and Tilda Swinton, who stars alongside Ezra in this film as Kevin’s uncomprehending mother. For aspiring actors and fans of the craft, this interview is a must-see!

Oscar winner Tilda Swinton (MICHAEL CLAYTON) could earn another trophy for her searing portrait of a heedless, career-minded mother coping with her son’s killing spree in suspenseful and gripping psychological thriller WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN. KEVIN is Scottish director Lynne Ramsey’s first film in nine years, and she takes a poetic, compassionate approach to the potentially sensational subject matter. John C. Reilly co-stars as Kevin’s more attentive father, but the film embraces all its characters with sympathy.

WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN is now playing at the Angelika New York, and opens 2/3 at the Angelikas Dallas and Plano.