THE LAST LIONS at the Angelika and the Paris Theatre

February 18, 2011

“One of the most urgent and certainly among the most beautifully shot documentaries to hit the big screen in recent memory” – Manohla Dargis, NY Times 

THE LAST LIONS, an incredible documentary from award-winning filmmaking duo Dereck & Beverly Joubert, opens today at the Angelika New York and The Paris Theatre.Narrated by Oscar Winner Jeremy Irons, THE LAST LIONS tells the real-life story of an ostracized lioness and her two cubs fighting for survival in Botswanaâ??s Okavango Delta, one of the last regions where lions can live in the wild. Faced with dwindling land and pressures from the hunting of lions, the lionessâ??s struggle to escape to safety on Duba Island is deftly captured by the Jouberts. Taking into account that big cats are at the very top of the food chain, their rapidly approaching extinction will cause a complete ecosystem collapse unless we take action. Through gorgeous panorama and a touching back story, THE LAST LIONS brings to light the importance of protecting these beautiful creatures, the last lions of our planet under moral and government mandate.JOIN US THIS WEEKEND FOR A SPECIAL Q&A WITH DERECK & BEVERLY JOUBERT:Friday 2/18 following the 7:20PM show at the AngelikaSaturday 2/19 following the 7:20PM show at the Paris