Say hello to the winners of the Angelika’s SEX AND THE CITY contest

June 2, 2008

SEX AND THE CITY blew away competition and expectations this weekend with an estimated box office of almost 56 million dollars. Scads of women (and men!) dressed up and came out to support their favorite television series-turned-big screen smash, probably leaving sad street-cleaners and janitors to clean up the the debris of shattered martini glasses and broken high heels that the crowds left behind.

For the past three weeks, the Angelika Film Center hosted its own SATC column/look-a-like contest, and it’s time to announce the winners. Posted below are the first prize winners of our photo and column categories – enjoy!

Winning Photo Entry: Sarah Bergervoet


Winning Column

Going To Extremes by Amy Adams

When dealing with the aftermath of a love affair gone wrong, there are several coping strategies available to todayâ??s female. Thereâ??s the tearfully – eat – ice – cream – straight – from – the – carton – while – watching – bad – television approach. This lies in stark contrast with the troll – bars – for – attractive – strangers – with – whom – to – engage – in – meaningless – revenge – sex tactic.

Most of us gravitate to one extreme or the other. But the question remains, do extreme measures ever make us feel better?

The rational side of our brains tells us that time heals all wounds. After all, most of us arenâ??t still pining for Todd, our high school boyfriend who dumped us right before the prom in order to escort the slutty cheerleader best known for her ability to camouflage hickeys with BonneBell concealer. Yet, in the throes of extreme despondency, rational thinking rarely prevails. So we engage in behavior that serves to distract us, often to the detriment of our mental ­- or physical ­- health.

Because none of us want to stand idly by and wait to feel better. We want to hasten the healing process by doing something tangible! After all, the things-will-get-better-soon attitude is often what got us where we are today: dumped by a jerk. We ignored the warning signs and waited for an impossible situation to improve. When it didnâ??t, we compounded the problem by drunkenly assuming a compromising position on a strangerâ??s futon, trying desperately to forget about Mr. Aforementioned Jerk. Perhaps the most extreme measure would be learning to avoid him in the first place.

We hope you enjoyed them and remember, SEX AND THE CITY is now playing at the Angelika Dallas and Houston.